Can We Talk About the account minimum Barrier to Working With a Trustworthy Financial Advisor?
*The Ignite Investing® program minimum has increased to $100,000 since the recording of this video. The rest of the information in the video is current.

What makes ignite investinG® different?

With Ignite Investing®, you matter just as much as any other investor. You’re more than a number; you’re part of our community and you deserve personalized care just as much as the next person.
Other investment service providers often try to serve you with technologies, like a robo advisor or automated call center. It’s only after spending your precious time jumping through a system that you might eventually connect with a real person.
We start with the human connection: real-life advisors who want to have a real conversation with you to understand your concerns, answer your questions, and create a customized plan that makes sense for your financial future.
It’s because you’re not a computer with money; you’re a person with dreams and you want your money to help you achieve that reality.
What to Expect With Ignite Investing®

We designed Ignite Investing® to provide you with several key benefits:
Comprehensive financial advice from a trusted source who is a fee-only fiduciary advisor (and always has been) so you can know any insight is shared with your best interests in mind. With over 30 years of investment experience, our team is among the best in our field.
Customized advice built around your one-page annual Financial Action Checklist with specific recommendations you can implement over the course of the next year.
Access to a professionally constructed investment portfolio not available to retail customers, only available through fee-only fiduciary advisors like us.
Ignite Learning Center: You have questions, and we have answers! Because we are selective about who can join Ignite, we’re able to answer most common questions in this informative resource center that is available exclusively to Ignite members.
Access to a virtual, mobile, up-to-date financial dashboard so you can see an overview of your entire financial picture in one place, on your laptop or your mobile device.
Clear and concise investment reports on a quarterly basis.
Timely response to economic events: If something important to your financial health happens in the news, we’ll be there to share our take on the topic and let you know whether any changes are required in your portfolio.
Is Ignite Investing® a Good Fit for You?

Ignite Investing® is designed for a select group of investors who meet a specific criteria to be accepted.
Have at least $100,000 of investable assets ready to start.
Be open, honest, and transparent with us.
Accomplish the items on your Financial Action Checklist!
Consistently contribute to your own investment accounts via regularly scheduled contributions. This will help grow your nest egg and get you closer to your Financial Freedom.
Treat our team with respect.
If that sounds like you, then we would love for you to apply to Ignite Investing®!
Are You Ready to Get Started With Ignite Investing®?

IMPORTANT: The Ignite Investing® program is such a success that we are currently only accepting referrals from existing clients. If you’d like to be placed on the waitlist, please fill out the application and we will contact you when a spot opens up!
This is an application-only experience and there is no guarantee of acceptance. Your application will be reviewed and a 30-minute evaluation interview may be conducted via phone or video call to determine if Ignite Investing® is the right fit for your financial future.
There is no obligation or cost to you to Get Started by telling us you want to join the program and by sharing some basic information about yourself